
Choosing the Best Blanket for Sleeping

Woman holding blankets
Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Cotton vs. wool or down comforter vs. fleece – does a blanket really make a difference in getting a good night’s sleep? How do you choose the best blanket?

Wanting your blanket to be soft and cozy is a no-brainer, but what other considerations are there besides size and color? Depending on where you live, most people will choose a light-weight blanket for summer and a heavier one for winter. And deciding on the right blanket is often due to preferences around texture, material and weight.

A light to medium warmth blanket made of cotton may be an easy choice since cotton can be used year-round. Blankets made of wool, cashmere or fleece may be too hot for summer, but are perfect to keep away winter chill. And a down blanket is similar to a down comforter but includes a feathery layer sandwiched in between layers of fabric, often cotton. It tends to be on the warmer side and since it doesn’t conduct moisture can cause night sweats, however, it’s a good choice for anyone who is allergic to wool.

Speaking of allergies, if you are allergy-prone then down-filled blankets or comforters are not recommended. For those who are allergic to down a synthetic down-filled blanket would work better. The best choice overall for allergy sufferers are cotton blankets since they can be washed repeatedly. To keep dust mites at bay, wash blankets weekly in hot water and dry in a hot dryer.

Blankets on a bed
Photo by Jason Abdilla on Unsplash

Once you find a blanket that you love and works for you, hold on to it. As Dr. Hoagland says: “Regularly using a favorite blanket for sleep can help to develop a conditioned response so that sleep onset is quicker.” If you have issues sleeping away from home, you may even consider taking it with you if you can.

Looking for more ways to get better sleep? Try our app, Rain Rain Sleep Sounds, to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.