
Best Sounds for a Better Night’s Sleep

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Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

It may seem strange to think of sound or noise as a sleep aid since sounds can often be disruptive. Research suggests though that certain sounds can help you fall asleep, so how do you pick the best one for you? Here are a few to consider:

White Noise is a mixture of different frequencies of sound, at the same level of intensity, and can often block other noises that are keeping you from falling asleep. Some examples of white noise include the whirring of a fan, air conditioner or air purifier – anything that is a consistent and calming background noise. There is also pink noise, described as more soothing and balanced than that of white noise because of its mix of high and low frequencies, which is more typical of sounds found in nature.

Nature sounds such as the patter of falling rain, the breaking of waves on a beach, the flow of a stream or the sounds of rainforest animals are often a favorite choice.  It’s the rise and fall in volume and intensity that are less likely to annoy you and lull you to sleep, which is why ocean waves are especially popular. The rhythmic quality of listening to waves can have an almost meditative effect.

Photo by Max Andrey from Pexels

Calming music, especially music that doesn’t have lyrics that can keep your mind active or loud bass lines, can be helpful. Certain genres are better than others, like Classical, smooth jazz or Gregorian or Buddhist chants.  The National Sleep Foundation suggests choosing soothing songs with between 60-80 beats per minute.

Sounds that work for someone else might not work for you. The National Sleep Foundation recommends paying attention to the sounds that truly relax you and try one at a time for a few nights. You can find white noise sounds, nature sounds and others by downloading the Rain Rain app.