
What is Pink Noise?

Photo by Robert Katzki on Unsplash

You are probably familiar with the term white noise and seen, or even used, a white noise machine to help you sleep, but white isn’t the only color out there. Pink noise may also help you to fall and stay asleep.

Like white noise, pink noise is also based on the frequencies that humans can hear in everyday sounds.  The Cleveland Clinic puts it in more scientific terms: “The human ear…usually hears pink noise as being ‘even’ or ‘flat’ and perceives white noise as ‘static.” The sound of pink noise has been described as more soothing and balanced than that of white noise because of its mix of high and low frequencies, and is more typical of sounds found in nature. In fact, in the past it was often used to test and equalize the sound in auditoriums.

Dr. Drerup of the Cleveland Clinic adds ‘Pink noise is generally safe and a good idea for anyone (of any age) who wants to try it.’ However, she also stresses that, “Those with hearing loss or sensitivity to sounds might find pink noise a bit frustrating, but… there’s probably not any concern if they want to give it a shot.”

white fan
Photo by Octav Cado on Unsplash

Think you want to give pink noise a try?  If you use a fan at night then you already may be experiencing pink noise. Some other examples of pink noise include listening to rainfall, the sound of wind in the trees or even the steady beat of techno music, since pink noise is all about the bass line. You can find these sounds and others by downloading the Rain Rain app.

Whether pink noise works better for you than white noise is really a matter of personal choice.  Experiment with the sound and, more importantly, the volume since not everyone will respond in the same way.

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